One of the most common questions we get from German Shepherd owners is “why does my German Shepherd bark at other dogs?
One of the most common questions we get from German Shepherd owners is “why does my German Shepherd bark at other dogs?
German shepherd Samoyed Mix makes the perfect pup for families looking for a loving and protective companion.
German shepherd pug mix is a hybrid dog breed that is a cross between the German shepherd and the pug.
Not every bowl fits your german shepherd, and anyone with more than one pet can confirm it. Want to know about bowls that will ensure that your dogs eat in a good position and have proper digestion and hygiene while eating.
Dogs, by nature, are fun-loving creatures, and like human beings, they get bored out of their wits pretty easily. Puzzles are not meant for humankind only.
if you’re looking for a dog that is loyal, loving, and protective, then you may want to consider getting a German shepherd beagle mix
The Dutch shepherd is a herding dog that was developed in the Netherlands, while the German shepherd was developed in Germany.
Can eat carrots. In fact, carrots are a great source of vitamins and minerals for dogs, and they can be a healthy treat or snack.
There could be a number of reasons why your German Shepherd is sad. It could be due to a change in routine or arrival of a new member.
Finding best bones for German shepherd must be a task and in order to pass the “best-dog parent-ever” with flying colors
German shepherd vs golden retriever? This is a question that many dog owners ask themselves, and there is no easy answer. Both dogs are popular breeds.
There are a number of things that you can do to help ensure that your German Shepherd lives a long and healthy life.
Dwarf German Shepherds are loyal, courageous, and intelligent dogs that make great family pets. This rare breed is gaining in popularity.
German shepherds are a high-energy breed that does not tire easily. They tend to be very watchful and protective of their family, barking at anything new or unusual they encounter. Their unique coat is weatherproof and sheds only twice a year. While they require...
Are German Shepherds good hunting dogs? It is a very common question that many people ask, depending on what kind of hunting the person has in mind.
you should know what it is like to live with a German shepherd Cocker Spaniel mix , or as many have nicknamed them “GSCO’s”.
we’ll be comparing two of the most popular guard dogs in recent times – the german shepherd vs akita. We’ll explore some of their similarities & differences.
German Shepherd Dogs are known to be one of the best guard dogs because they will protect their owners and property at any cost.
The best way to train your dog not to eat chicken is by using “negative punishment.” You ‘ll find out exactly what that means as we go through this step-by-step.
Is a german shepherd scary? We at Animal Wised will tell you everything there is to know about this beautiful breed.
If your German Shepherd doesn’t get his exercise he will do the only thing left for him; dig holes in your backyard until he gets tired.
Dogs are known to be den animals, which means that they like to keep their sleeping and eating areas clean and separate.
The first reason is simply because they want to come closer to you. Catching up with their pack leader (you), carrying out a command.
Most often you can expect your German Shepherd to display this behavior when left at home alone or when it’s been a long time since she’s been exercised.
As an owner of both a cat and a dog, I have different opinions on each. I love them both equally but for different reasons.
All dogs whine, German Shepherd keeps whining all the time for no reason or just whines when he feels like doing so then there must be wrong.
German shepherds are very intelligent animals who get easily bored if not given plenty of mental stimulation to keep their minds active.
Their name comes from their distinctive feature, a ridge of hair growing in the opposite direction along their back at the shoulder blades; it forms a pattern similar to an inverted “V”.
There are multitudes of mixed breed puppies out there. They are adorable, loving pets that give their owners just as much love as purebred dogs do!
The german shepherd is an active breed and loves to run, so it’s no surprise that many people wonder how fast a german shepherd can run.
The stereotype that all German Shepherds are mean is largely unfounded, but there is no denying that some dogs live up to the reputation.
The correct type for this breed is a strong, well-muscled animal, neither cobby nor svelte. It must be energetic and harmonious.
This mixed breed joins many others in becoming popular for their resemblance to other breeds. For example, the labradoodle was bred specifically to be good.
how high can a German Shepherd jump? The answer to this question actually depends on the individual dog. Some German Shepherds can jump very high.
All dogs are intelligent creatures and german shepherds are no exception. They’re easily trainable and eager to please their owners which makes them great.
what would happen if a german shepherd and a wolf faced off in battle? That question may seem silly to most, but it is one that animal trainers and dog owners.
This breed was first bred in Germany by crossing the purebred German Shepherds with the Toy (or Miniature) variety of Maltese.
The color of the German Shepherd’s eyes is as varied as people’s. A general rule, however, is this: The darker the eye color of a GSD, the more sensitive it is.
Barking is a very complicated behavior that’s why it’s not easy to answer why dogs bark. Generally dogs bark because they’re excited.
The Labrador Retriever And while Labradors aren’t particularly known for having aggressive tendencies, the famous saying goes-
If left alone for extended periods of time, German shepherds can become destructive and may engage in inappropriate behaviors.
German dalmatian is a medium-sized dog with pointy ears set apart from one another that stand straight up from their head.
Training takes time and consistency so make sure it won’t seem like your asking for something at random with no warning.
A recent study published in the journal “Molecular Genetics and Genomics” by a team European researchers has identified seven new german shepherd rare color variants.
Both the German Shepherd and Doberman have their pros and cons. Ultimately, it comes down to what is most important to you.
Newfoundlands are bigger than their counterparts. Their height is around 26-30 inches while it weighs around 100-150 pounds.
German Shepherds actually do quite well in colder climates due to their thick fur coats and low panting rates.
The price of a German Shepherd puppy can vary depending on a variety of factors. The breeder’s location, the pedigree of the dog, and the age of the pup.
The German shepherd is a large, muscular dog that was originally bred for herding sheep. Coyotes are smaller, leaner animals that were typically used to hunt.
The German Shepherd Catahoula Mix also known as the “Gurak” is a very interesting mix of two breeds that are well-known for their intelligence and trainability.
German shepherds are often considered to be one of the best dog breeds for families. They are loyal, protective, and make great companions.
The answer is yes, This breed does not do well in very cold water and can even die because it has problems breathing properly when bathing.
German shepherd pros and cons, It is easy to understand how the german shepherd was named as one of the top most intelligent dog breeds by experts.
Have you ever wondered if German shepherd bullmastiff mix is possible? It is one of the most beautiful breeds existing around which can make a wonderful pet.
German shepherd vs Rottweiler both dogs are known for their intelligence and both make brilliant pets however a thorough check is needed on their diet.
If you are wondering can German shepherd live in apartment, the answer is yes. All over the world gsd’s are most desired pets because of their loyalty.
German shepherd golden retriever mix is a rare combination which have become popular in recent times.
Being two of the best dogs in the world, the first and second ranking in the beholder’s eyes of course.
The blonde German shepherd is a variation of the German shepherd that has a lighter coat color.
German shepherd poodle mix is an absolute delight of dogs lovers.
German shepherd vs pitbull, one may wonder which dog is superior to other? let us look in to all the facts about these two wonderful dogs.
The Lycan Shepherd dog is a crossbreed between the Bay Shepherd and Belgian Malinois. It is also known as the Wolfdog or Werewolf dog.
German Shepherd and Greyhound mix, a rare mix which has become favorite throughout the world.
In the world of dog breeding, no two names are as renowned as those of king shepherd vs German shepherd.
The white german shepherd is a breed of dog which belongs to the scenthound type.They have a long curled tail and come in two sizes standard and miniature.
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