The Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix, also known as the Italian Greyhuahua is a small toy dog, mixed-breed pup that combines the attention-seeking and loyal Chihuahua with the athletic and sporty Italian Greyhound. The result is a slightly larger Chihuahua than normal, with thin, spindly legs and upright, triangular ears.

Image credit: chihuahua_molly_princess

Given their exercise requirements, Italian Greyhuahuas usually work best in an active family unit, where they’ll know how to love and play. If you’ve been thinking about adopting or purchasing a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix for awhile, this is the guide for you!

Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix – At a glance

Weight:8–15 pounds
Height:10–14 inches
Lifespan:12–20 years
Coat colours:Brown, black, blue, grey, brindle.
Temperament:Hyperactive, intelligent, aloof, loyal.
Suitable for:Active families, active single individuals.
Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix characteristics and info chart.

What Does a Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix Look Like?

As with most designer dog breeds, the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua will inherit different parts of its physical appearance from each parent breed. The Italian Greyhound and Chihuahua look very similar. Therefore, you can expect little variety between the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix.

You may find that your Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix looks most like a Chihuahua with large, upright, and triangular ears. A slightly heavier set build, both of these toy breed dogs have single coats, so you can expect your Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix to have one too – though this may be thicker than the average Chihuahua – this doesn’t mean that Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mixes are suitable for cold temperatures.

Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mixes typically have a longer tail than your average Chihuahua, but will maintain the almond-shaped eyes of the Chihuahua, as well as the smaller, wedge-shaped head. The Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix will likely have a broad chest and muscular hind quarters, thanks to their Greyhound genetics.

As with most designer dog breeds, the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua’s physical appearance is difficult to predict accurately, as it depends on which parent dog contributes the predominant genes.

The History of the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix

Unfortunately, not much is known about the history of the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix. Italian Greyhounds are notoriously rare in the United States. Despite the popularity of the Chihuahua, it’s rare to find them crossbred with the Italian Greyhound!

However, it is likely that the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix was created during the 1990s or early 2000s, as the popularity of crossbreeding increased throughout the United States. From that point, the trail largely goes cold. There are a few Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mixes, but they’re few and far between.

The History of the Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a dog of ancient origin, thought to have originated more than 2000 years ago in countries now known as Greece and Italy. As a small dog, the Italian Greyhound is a sighthound – that is, they hunt by sight and speed, rather than scent – these dogs were frequently kept by nobility and royalty during the Renaissance era in Europe. Their primary purpose was to hunt hare and rabbit.

In particular, Italian Greyhounds were owned by many French kings, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great and Queen Victoria. The Italian Greyhound first appeared in the United Kingdom in the 19th century – and were they were first named as such. In the United States, the Italian Greyhound was first recognized in 1886.

While initially used to hunt, Italian Greyhounds are now wonderful companion dogs renowned for their gentle behavior. Italian Greyhounds sometimes are referred to as a Mini Greyhound.

How Popular Are Italian Greyhounds?

The Italian Greyhound is not one of America’s most popular dogs. Despite having been around for more than a century as a companion pet, the Italian Greyhound just hasn’t quite caught on among Americans.

In 2021, the American Kennel Club ranked the Italian Greyhound as the 73rd most popular dog in the United States.

Who Are Italian Greyhounds a Good Dog For?

Italian Greyhounds are for their sporting prowess and hunting instincts. As a result of this, the Italian Greyhound is an athletic animal needing regular exercise. As a result, they’re far better suited to those with a house & yard and don’t fare well in an apartment setting. For this reason, Greyhounds of all stripes are most suitable for active single individuals or active couples.

Italian Greyhounds are also fiercely loyal to their owners and demand great attention. As a result, they can suffer from separation anxiety and this can lead to destructive behavior – which can compromise apartment living situations.

Italian Greyhounds are not recommended for first-time dog owners.

How Did Italian Greyhounds Come About?

The Italian Greyhound has an ancient ancestry that dates back centuries – but it was first recognized in paintings of the Renaissance era but has long been favored by nobility and royalty in Europe as a hunting animal. They are renowned for their speed and prey instinct.

They were first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1886.

When Did First Cross-Breed The Italian Greyhound?

Given the lack of popularity of the “Mini Greyhound” within the United States, Italian Greyhound crossbreeds are fairly rare.

However, when interest in crossbreeding was renewed in the late 1990s and early 2000s, those who wanted to add speed, agility and a prey instinct to their mixed-breed dogs could not have asked for a better candidate than the Italian Greyhound.

Several popular Italian Greyhound crossbreeds include:

  • Italian Greyhound Basenji Mix (Italian Basenji)
  • Italian Greyhound Beagle Mix (Italian Greagle)
  • Italian Greyhound Border Collie Mix (Italian Border Greyollie)
  • Italian Greyhound Boston Terrier Mix (Bostalian)
  • Italian Greyhound Shih Tzu (Italian Tzu)

The History of the Chihuahua

The Chihuahua’s history stretches back to the 9th century, when the Aztecs ruled Mexico. An Aztec tribe called the Toltec Peoples kept the Techichi, a small, mute dog that was revered by the Aztecs. The Chihuahua likely stemmed from the Techichi and has likely been a faithful companion pet for the Mexican people for centuries.

This ancient dog breed has been noted in the Mexican state of the same name and was first sold and traded to American tourists in the late 19th century. Chihuahuas were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904 under their toy breed category.

How Popular Are Chihuahuas?

Since their arrival at the beginning of the 20th century, Chihuahuas have become one of America’s most popular toy breed dogs.

In 2021, the Chihuahua was ranked as the 37th most popular dog breed in the United States, according to the American Kennel Club.

Who Are Chihuahuas a Good Dog For?

Chihuahuas are often wonderful companion dogs for the elderly due to their small size and portability. While they may display negative behavior toward strangers, they’ll reserve their gentle behavior for their owners and are well-known as affectionate dogs.

Chihuahuas, like Italian Greyhounds, fare much better with a house & yard than in an apartment, as they too suffer from separation anxiety. Despite their charming personalities and need for human contact, you’ll need to put in some work with obedience training – as your Chihuahua will likely be fiercely independent.

How Did Chihuahuas Come About?

A Chihuahua’s closest ancestor is the Techichi, a small, mute dog kept by the Toltec Peoples, an Aztec tribe dating back to the 9th century in Mexico. In modern times, the Chihuahua was first noted in the mid-19th century in the Mexican state of the same name.

However, the Chihuahua didn’t arrive in the United States until the latter part of the 19th century and was only recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904.

When Did First Cross-Breed The Chihuahua?

The initial crossbreeding of the Chihuahua in Europe likely occurred during the aftermath of the Second World War, when the Chihuahua was crossed with a Jack Russell Terrier, in a bid preserve the Jack Russell’s popularity in the United Kingdom.

However, in the United States, crossbreeding of the Chihuahua likely occurred during the late 1990s and early 2000s, following the popularization of designer dog breeds in the 1960s and the resurgence of that popularity at the turn of the 21st century.

Several popular Chihuahua crosses include:

  • Chihuahua Pitbull Mix (Pitahuahua)
  • Chihuahua Pomeranian Mix (Pom Chi)
  • Chihuahua Border Collie Mix (Border Chi)
  • Corgi Chihuahua Mix (Chigi)
  • Chihuahua Poodle Mix (Chi Poo)

How Important Is a Dog’s Temperament to Your Family?

One of the most important parts of acquiring or adopting a new dog is understanding how their temperament will work within your family unit. To do this, you’ll need to conduct thorough research on how your new dog will interact with your family – and if that new pup will fit in with the family’s lifestyle.

For example, if you’re an active, outdoorsy family – you’ll likely want a dog that can accompany you on your adventures. You’re going to want a dog that doesn’t mind being in the outdoors and has high energy levels. Similarly, if you’re more of the stay-at-home type of family, you’re not going to want a dog that yearns to be outside.

Also, if you have children, you want to make sure that any new introduction to the family doesn’t come with the potential for aggression, as kids can be inquisitive and this may put them in danger with a new and unaccustomed pup.

What is the Temperament of the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix?

One of the great things about the Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix is that there are few surprises with this mixed-breed. Much of their temperament is the same with both parent breeds. They are both moderately active, loyal and affectionate dogs. You may encounter some initial territorial behavior from your Italian Greyhound Chihuahua, but this can be mitigated with training.

Greyhound Chihuahua mixes are phenomenally intelligent and will need lots of mental stimulation alongside their physical exercise, be sure to give them some brain games to play when you suspect they’re bored!

Is The Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Friendly?

In general, Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mixes are very friendly animals. You might experience some initial apprehension from your new pup as they get to know you, but both Greyhounds and Chihuahuas are well-known for being affectionate and loyal pups.

Is The Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Easy to Train?

You may experience some initial stubbornness and lack of willingness to follow directions from your Greyhound Chihuahua mix. This is where obedience training comes into play. As a pet owner, you want to get your pets to do what you want, at the first time of asking. Obedience training, along with positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods are a wonderful way to achieve that goal.

Be sure to give your Greyhound Chihuahua mix a treat for being a good dog!

How Much Can A Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Weigh?

The average weight of an Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix is between 8 and 15 pounds.

How Tall Can A Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Get?

The average height of an Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix is between 10 and 14 inches tall.

Similar-Sized Breeds

There are a few similar-sized breeds to the Greyhound Chihuahua. These include:

  • Pug
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Havanese
  • Miniature Schnauzer

Does the Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Shed?

As they have short coats, the Greyhound Chihuahua mix is a low-shedding dog, but not hypoallergenic and will shed year-round. You can use a slicker brush to mitigate the amount of shedding that occurs.

How Much Exercise Does A Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Require?

The Greyhound Chihuahua mix is an athletic breed of dog. This means that they’ll need an extensive exercise period of roughly 45 minutes to one hour each day. You could break this up into 2-3 short walks. Off-leash time is also critical to allow them to stretch their legs and run – though make sure you have a fenced yard, as they can sometimes be little escape artists!

How Long Can a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Live?

The life expectancy of a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix is 12-20 years, making them one of the longest-living mixed-breeds we’ve covered!

What Health Conditions Could the Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Have?

How Can You Find a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Puppy For Sale?

Before you start searching for a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix puppy for sale, consider adopting one instead! Adoption costs are generally a fraction of the cost of purchasing a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix and many of these dogs are languishing in animal shelters and vet clinics across the United States, just waiting to find their forever home.

If you’re unsuccessful in-person in your search for an Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix, consider checking out, there you can search your local area for one.

How Much Does a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix Puppy Cost?

The average cost of an Italian Greyhound Chihuahua is between $500 and $1000! This high price tag is largely due to the rarity of the Italian Greyhound within the United States. Given this, it is considerably cheaper to adopt – adoption usually costs around $200-$300.

If you’re unsuccessful in your attempt to find a Chihuahua Italian Greyhound to adopt, consider purchasing one instead – but ensure that you look for a reputable breeder. To help you find a reputable breeder, we have created this guide – consider reading it thoroughly before continuing your search. It will help you avoid backyard breeders and puppy mills.

Is the Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix the Right Breed For You?

If you’ve been looking for a companion to fill your life with joy, that’ll keep your active and leading a healthy life, look no further than the Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix.

However, if you’re considering another breed, but aren’t quite sure which breed best fits you, we’ve created dozens of other breed guides to help you decide what’s best for your family!