Are German Shepherds good hunting dogs? It is a very common question that many people ask. The answer to this question depends on what kind of hunting the person has in mind. Let’s say for example you are interested in how well can a german shepherd dogs be trained as a gun dog, then yes I have good news for you, they are awesome! What about if your interest lies with how well can a german shepherd track during the hunt, again my answer would be yes, there are some awesome examples of german shepherds being great tracking dogs. So if your interest lies with any kind of hunting and your main concern is finding and flushing out game it will be fair to say that german shepherds can be pretty good. Still confused about are German Shepherds good hunting dogs or not? Keep reading the article, you will get the answer.
However, in case your main interest lies with the actual kill, meaning you are out for hunting game in order to eat it and not just to hunt it but also to utilize its hide and meat than the answer to Are German Shepherds Good Hunting Dogs is “no”. I will explain this further down below, however before doing so let’s look at some other pros and cons of having a German shepherd as part of your family. Generally, the German Shepherd is not considered a great hunting dogs breed. This is because they were bred for herding dog, military dogs and not for hunting. However, it is possible to train them to hunt. They do have a great sense of smell and can easily track deer scent or blood trail.
The German Shepherd dogs Huntingpedia
As already mentioned earlier, German Shepherds are awesome if your main interest lies with tracking (hunting) game, regardless what kind of game you are after. Their sense of smell is outstanding, their endurance when it comes to running is amazing and they can run long distances pretty fast. When it comes to tracking and recovery German Shepherds are very good. Their intelligence makes them easy to train and their natural protective instinct make them great as guard dogs.
But, unfortunately all of the above mentioned qualities do not make up for certain negatives which you will be faced with if you decide to have a german shepherd as part of your.For example, German Shepherds shed a lot during springtime and because their coats are thick they end up having bad smell. They also tend to bark a lot which obviously is not good for neighbors living close by. Their energy levels are quite high, so they require daily walks and if you happen to live in an apartment this might not fit well with your lifestyle. Plus it takes up to two years for a german shepherd to mature so getting one should be postponed till adulthood.
Are you looking for effective german shepherd hunting training tips? You are lucky because I am about to give you some best training tips right now.
German shepherds are very amazing dogs. They can be a great addition to your house as well as a good friend of man. These intelligent dogs were used by humans for protecting their properties and other purposes. But, recently it is also being used as a hunter because of its strong sense of smell and excellent ability to track things down. German shepherds have been trained in such a way that they can easily spot out an object from long distances and bring them back to the owner without any hassles. In order to keep these remarkable abilities active it is extremely necessary that you provide an appropriate training to your dogs.
In this article I am going to tell you some german shepherd hunting training tips which will maintain the quality of their sense of smell and make them a better hunter.
Here are few effective ways by which you can easily train your German shepherds as a good hunting dog:
1) Tracking method:
One of the most common and easiest methods through which you can easily train your pet as a hunter is tracking method. You just have to keep an eye on its behavior and then, show it the object that has been lost by someone else. Let it grab that object and give it lots of praises so that it might feel good about himself and his abilities. Then, slowly move ahead towards another difficult track where it should not follow its natural way to track the object. Use some pieces of papers and let it follow them in order to find out who that person is. Eventually, you will be able to train your German shepherd as a great hunter by following this method.
2) Scenting technique:
The second most common german shepherd hunting training tip is scenting technique which will also help you in teaching your dog how to stay focused on objects and track them down without any problem. You just have to take an old sock or shirt of yours and cut it into small pieces so that the smell can spread all over your house. Later, place those pieces at different places so that when it enters into your house it can easily smell these things and understand that there is something to be found out. You can also use a particular scent of an object which you have lost so that your German shepherd can easily track it down for you.
3) An object retrieval:
The third german shepherd hunting training tip by which your dog will learn how to properly hunt involves the use of item retrieval method. In this method, I will ask my dog to find out a particular type of item from several objects and then, give it those things as a treat so that he realizes how important his abilities actually are. For example, if I want it to search for apple then, I will place three apples in front of him and leave one at its place so that when he brings four items together I can reward him for his great work.
In order to make your German shepherd a good hunter you must follow these tips properly and let it learn from them as quickly as possible. These hunting training tips will help your dog a lot in keeping its sense of smell active and strong so that it might not feel any difficulty while tracking objects down. Do try out these methods on your dogs and see yourself how they turn up into a better hunter within just a few days of time.
What is the difference between training and hunting?
When you train your dog, you teach it basic commands like sit, stay or come when called. You can also work on advanced skills like agility obstacles. When you hunt with your dog, you release them to find game in specific areas with an expectation that they will run game back to you in some fashion.
Does my German Shepherd have what it takes to be a good hunting companion?

Many people think that just because they trained their dog to play fetch in the backyard that their dog could be a good hunting companion. Hunting is not an activity but rather a lifestyle that requires dedicated time outside of normal working hours and a commitment from both owner and dog. If you’re looking for a German Shepherd who is just as happy laying on the couch all day, don’t get a GSD and certainly not one that’s registered as a working breed.
What equipment do I need to train my dog to be a hunting partner?
You will need basic obedience commands like sit, stay and come when called. A retriever style collar such as Lixit or E-Collar (remote collars) will be needed as well as some way to carry small game like upland game or birds like chukar or quail. A 20 foot long check cord is another investment you should make if you plan to take your GSD out into open ground where he can run.
How do I know my German Shepherd puppy will make a good hunting companion?
The temperament of the parents is very important when considering acquiring a new dog for use in upland game or waterfowl hunting. GSDs bred by responsible breeders should be calm, moderately confident and self-assured around people they don’t know, yet attentive when they need to be (i.e., when their owner calls). Socialization is very important; therefore, they must not shy away from meeting strangers in controlled settings like obedience classes. They inherit the physical attributes needed to be an effective hunter such as strong prey drive, endurance and athletic ability. Inside the home they are generally polite with children and protective without being aggressive.
Do I need a special license to train my dog for hunting?
No, you do not need any sort of special license but you should be prepared to spend some time on the road teaching your GSD what it takes to be successful in the field. As with any sport or activity, responsibility rests with both the owner and the dog’s performance when on game.
How much does training cost?
The average price range is $500 – $1500 depending on where you live and who offers the training. It can cost more if you choose to hire a professional trainer or less if you choose to work with someone locally (i.e., an experienced hunter). The return on investment will vary greatly depending upon what you want for your dog and how much time is dedicated to the task.
How do I find an experienced German Shepherd upland bird or waterfowl hunting trainer?
A good place to start would be with your local German Shepherd Club. Many of our breed clubs have a working committee that can provide names of members who train their dogs for this sport. You could also visit the GSDCA website and click on “Events” then “Breeders” and finally “Hunt Test/Field Trial Judges.” This list will give you many contacts as well as information about the breed’s history in this country as a hunting companion.
My family wants to go on vacation, so I need my German Shepherd hunting dog?

First of all, many GSDs are not suitable for off-leash work in the field which is often required for hunting. However, they can certainly retrieve from land or water with some guidance from their owner/handler. If you plan on going somewhere that does allow dogs off leash and your GSD doesn’t have command obedience there’s a good chance he may run off after birds, deer or even livestock. I would absolutely stress that taking a dog into the field without knowing its behavior around strange animals could potentially put both you, your pet and wild life at risk.
Can my German Shepherd Hunting dog be trained as a bird dog if I don’t hunt upland game?
Waterfowl retriever training can be a very rewarding experience for a family with children looking for a sport to share together. I think what makes having a water-loving dog in your arsenal of tricks even more enjoyable is that you don’t have to shoot the birds!
I want my GSD to wear some kind of hunting gear while working? What does it do? Is it necessary?
There are various types of collars and vests designed for use by hunters including the Upland Special, which is worn on top of the dog’s normal collar or harness. Other products include safety vests covered with reflective tape so hunters can easily see their dogs at night, upland game bags made from mesh netting with a drawstring top for easy loading, and special training aids designed to assist with various aspects of training.
Very few trainers require their dogs to wear a hunting vest or other product while actively working but it’s nice to have one in case you encounter a situation where the dog needs to be more visible. I always recommend having some sort of visible marker on your dog when going out in public.
What do I need to buy before my GSD can continue his upland game and/or waterfowl retriever training?
There is quite a bit that goes into successfully running your dog in these types of events, but here are the basics.
Should I continue to work with my GSD if he’s not interested in birds?
Yes, definitely! Even if your dog has no desire to go out and find game, giving them an opportunity for off leash time outside will still help fulfill their primal instinct as a canine predator. You can also use birds that have been killed or injured by automobiles to train hand touch, nose targeting and retrieve. Just be sure that your dog is restrained so they don’t injure themselves trying to reach the bird! The most important thing you should take away from this article: Be Patient: Training any hunting breed of dog takes time and patience. If you can’t afford the time required to train your dog properly then finding another outlet for their energy may be of benefit to you, your pet and everyone that lives in your household. If nothing else, volunteering at an animal shelter will provide both you and your GSD with more than enough mental stimulation.
Can German shepherd Hunting Rabbits, Deer and duck?
Yes, this is possible.
German shepherds are excellent at hunting ducks due to their natural agility and cleverness. They are known for being loyal, intelligent, protective creatures. German Shepherds use their keen sense of smell to seek out game while staying obedient to their masters. When hunting waterfowl (such as ducks), a duck call is used in combination with a dog whistle to signal the dog on which way to go over the sound of gunfire from shooters. Yes they “can” be used for duck hunting! Not all owners let them hunt though
In most situations when dogs are hunting alone or have been trained by their master, they tend to stick close by and stay within earshot of their master. However, if needed the German Shepherd can travel over a mile away to retrieve game and has even been known to carry waterfowl in its mouth back to its master!
In short, German shepherd dog can be trained as good hunting dog, but they are not good bird dogs. The Labrador Retrievers are the best dog breeds to hunt birds; they have a very soft mouth grip. Dog owners can train them to track deer blood and scent trail because they have a powerful sense of smell and can quickly locate the point where deer hide. You can train them to hunt the bird with a soft mouth, but sometimes, German shepherd aggressively behaves during bird hunting. They are highly intelligent dogs as compared to other breeds. You should start training your German shepherd at a young age. Due to their intelligence level, the military uses them in airports to detect arms and bomb detection and prevent drug smuggling.
Is there a prey drive in German shepherds?
GSDs have a close bond with their owners and are immediately loyal to them. They’re also high-energy dogs with a natural hunt drive that makes them jumpy and playful. GSDs are able to focus intensely on any activity you are doing with them because of their prey drive.
Which hunting dog is the most relaxed?
It was the kind of softness of the flesh that comes from being overfed and underexercised that a bird hunting dog kept inside developed, not some inexplicable loss of the urge to point, flush, and/or recover birds.