The Pitbull Shar Pei mix is a medium-sized mixed-breed dog, bred by combining the American Pit Bull Terrier with the Chinese Shar Pei. These two medium-sized mixed-breed dogs combine to produce a long, wrinkly-faced, adorable companion pet.

One of the most exciting parts of the Pitbull Shar Pei is just how cute they are! Look at that face! In all seriousness, the Pei Pit, as they’re otherwise known, is a loyal and loving breed that’s big enough to need a house & yard but has the temperament of a lapdog. They love their human companions so much!

Image credit: wrinklymel

Read on to learn more about the Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier mix and see if its the right breed for you!

Pitbull Shar Pei Mix – At a Glance

Weight:30–60 pounds
Height:17–21 inches
Lifespan:10–12 years
Coat Colors:White, black, fawn, grey, red, cream.
Temperament:Courageous, loyal, loving, protective, attention-seeking.
Suitable for:Active families, experienced with no other pets, active single individuals.
Pitbull Shar Pei mix characteristics and info chart.

What Does a Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Look Like?

Like most designer dog breeds, your Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier mix will inherit different parts of its physical appearance from both parent breeds. Your Shar Pit will likely inherit the wrinkly skin on its face, along with the shorter snout of the Shar Pei, making it a brachycephalic breed. It could also inherit the Shar Pei’s blue-black tongue as well, although this is a toss-up.

Regarding coat colors, the Shar-Pei Pitbull mix could have a variety of coat colors. However, your Shar-Pei Pitbull mix will likely inherit white markings on its chest, as is customary of the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Image credit: good.boyy.rocco

Your Shar Pei Pitbull mix will like have a long, slender, muscular body, similar to an elongated American Pit Bull Terrier. Your Shar Pei Pitbull mix will likely inherit the customary Chinese Shar Pei double coat. Either way, your mixed-breed will likely have a short-haired, dense coat.

The History of the Pitbull Shar Pei Mix

Little is known about the history of the Shar-Pei Pitbull mix, as it is a relatively new designer breed. Like most designer breeds, the Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier Mix was likely created sometime during the 1990s or early 2000s, as crossbreeding became popular throughout the United States.

To learn more about the Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier mix, we’ll explore the histories, temperaments, suitability, and popularity of both parent breeds – the Chinese Shar Pei and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Exploring these popular breeds will give you more of an insight into why the Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier mix could be your next pet!

The History of the Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is one of the world’s oldest dog breeds, originating in China in the Han dynasty (202 B.C – 220 A.D.) Originally bred as a guard dog for emperors, the Shar-Pei, according to legend was originally unwrinkled! This original version of the Shar-Pei is the same common ancestor as the Chow Chow.

Shar Peis were very common and popular in China throughout the centuries until the Second World War came to its conclusion. The onslaught of war and turmoil in China throughout the 20th century, caused the Shar Pei to lose its popularity and become at-risk of extinction.

In the 1970s, a Hong Kong businessman named Matgo Law put out a call to other countries’ citizens to adopt some of the remaining Shar Peis. The American Kennel Club was one organization he appealed to. However, upon their arrival in the United States, it was discovered that the the Shar Pei had been crossbred with Pitbulls, Pugs and other dogs, unbeknownst to their new American owners.

Shar Peis are routinely prone to skin issues, such as dry skin or dead skin because of their wrinkly skin.

Shar Peis are currently popular companion pets for Americans, but are also sometimes used as therapy dogs.

How Popular Are Shar Pei?

The Shar Pei, despite not having been in the United States for long, have become a popular family pet – mostly for their adorable wrinkly face and loving, loyal temperament.

The Shar Pei ranked as the 64th most-popular dog in the United States in 2021, according to the American Kennel Club.

Who Are Shar Pei a Good Dog For?

The Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog that’s most popular among families. Their smaller size means they’re not the most active dog in the world, but won’t exhaust you. The Shar Pei is renowned for being a loving and loyal dog, with a protective streak.

Their size and overall strength make them a bad fit for the elderly or those living in apartments. They’re much better with a house & yard and as part of a family home.

How Did Shar Pei Come About?

The Shar Pei is one of the world’s oldest dog breeds, originating as a guard dog during the Han Dynasty. They first arrived in the United States as part of a rescue effort to save the breed from extinction in the 1970s by Hong Kong businessman Matgo Law.

When Did First Cross-Breed The Shar Pei?

The Shar Pei’s history of crossbreeding was initially an attempt to save the breed from extinction. They were exported from their native China in the 1970s by a Hong Kong businessman, who encouraged the international community to become involved in attempting to save the Shar Pei.

Americans took a keen interest in the Shar Pei, though the dogs they received from China were crossbred with Pitbulls, Bull Terriers and Pugs (without their knowledge. This was likely one of the first times that the Shar Pei had been crossbred in the modern era.

Outside of their initial introduction to the United States as mixed-breed dogs, the Shar Pei has been crossbred more recently with other dogs. Popular Shar Pei crosses include:

  • Corgi Shar Pei Mix (Cor-Pei)
  • Labrador Retriever Shar Pei Mix (Lab-Pei)
  • Cocker Spaniel Shar Pei Mix (Cocker-Pei)
  • German Shepherd Shar Pei Mix (Shepherd Pei)
  • Siberian Husky Shar Pei Mix (Sharberian Husky)

The History of the Pitbull

The Pitbull, otherwise known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, is a medium-sized dog that originated in England at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. Created by breeding the Olde English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier, the Pitbull Terrier was originally bred for blood sports like dog fighting and bull-baiting, which were popular during the 19th century in England.

The Pitbull was popularly used for these ‘sports’, along with the Boxer and other similarly-built breeds. However, in 1835, the British Government outlawed bull-baiting and dog fighting by passing the Cruelty Against Animals Act, a law which prohibited as various blood sports.

This made the Pitbull Terrier almost immediately unpopular in the UK. Sometime between 1845 and 1860, the Pitbull made its way to the United States. It was originally recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1934 and became the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Despite this recognition, the American Pit Bull Terrier is still illegal to own throughout many American cities, although they are popular family pets.

How Popular Are Pitbulls?

Despite their murky legal status, the Pit Bull is still a much-beloved family pet.

As the American Kennel Club does not recognize the Pitbull, they don’t collect population statistics on them, but other sources conclude that the Pitbull Terrier is roughly 20% of America’s ‘strong dog’ population.

Who Are Pitbulls a Good Dog For?

Given their size and strength, Pitbulls aren’t suitable for everyone. They’re most suitable for stronger, more experienced dog owners who can handle their stubborn streak and physicality. Pitbulls are best suited for families with older children and those with a house & yard, so that the American Pit Bull Terrier can get the exercise it needs.

How Did Pitbulls Come About?

Pitbulls were originally bred in England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to participate in ‘blood sports,’ such as bull-baiting and dog fighting. In the mid-19th century, they arrived in the United States and were recognized by the United Kennel Club as the American Pit Bull Terrier.

When Did First Cross-Breed The Pitbull?

The Pitbull has long been a popular crossbreed since arriving in the United States. In modern America, Pitbulls are crossbred (sometimes) to avoid the legal ramifications of owning in cities with Pitbull ownership is outlawed completely or heavily restricted.

Several modern Pitbull Terrier mixes, likely created during the 1990s or early 2000s include:

  • Rhodesian Ridgeback Pitbull Mix (Rhodesian Pit)
  • Jack Russell Pitbull Mix (Jack a Pit)
  • Corgi Pitbull Mix (Corgi Pit)
  • Pitbull Beagle Mix (Beaglebull)
  • Yorkshire Terrier Pitbull Mix (Yorkie Pit)

How Important Is a Dog’s Temperament to Your Family?

One of the most important parts of preparing to adopt or purchase any dog is ensuring that you find a good temperamental match for your family. A dog’s temperament plays a major role in your ability to train your pup. But also how you and your pup enjoy time spent together.

Ideally, you want a dog that’s a good temperamental match for your family, This means you want to find an active dog if you’re an active family, one that can accompany you on hikes and adventures. Or, if you’re more homely, you’ll want to find a dog that’s happy to stay home.

What is the Temperament of the Pitbull Shar Pei Mix?

The Pitbull Shar Pei mix is sure to be a loyal and loving companion. Pitbulls are known to be stubborn and independent. You might experience the cold shoulder sometimes from your Shar Pei Pitbull Terrier. Your Pei Pitbull Terrier will likely be a moderately active dog, just enough to keep you on your toes!

Your Pei Pitbull may exhibit protective behaviors and a healthy but not aggressive, suspicion of strangers.

Is The Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Friendly?

The Pei Pitbull Terrier is an exceptionally friendly dog! Both the Shar Pei and Pitbull Terrier are friendly and affectionate, so expect your Pei Pitbull to be equally friendly!

Is The Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Easy to Train?

Despite the Pitbull’s stubbornness, you will likely find the Pei Pitbull mix relatively easy to train. You should always use positive reinforcement training rather than admonishment to get your message across. Consider investing in obedience training early on for your Shar Pit pup.

How Much Can A Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Weigh?

The average weight of a Pitbull Shar Pei mix is between 30 and 60 pounds.

How Tall Can A Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Get?

The average height of a Pitbull Shar Pei is between 17 and 21 inches tall.

Similar-Sized Breeds

There are a few similar-sized breeds to the Shar-Pei Pitbull Terrier mix. These include:

  • English Bulldog
  • Chow Chow
  • Collie

Does the Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Shed?

Given that your Shar Pit will likely have a double coat, you can expect your Shar Pit to be a moderate to heavy shedder. You should brush your Shar Pit roughly once per week during peak blowing season.

How Much Exercise Does A Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Require?

The Shar Pit requires plenty of exercise but won’t wear you out. Anticipate giving your Shar Pei Pitbull daily exercise of about 45 minutes. Beyond that, you can exercise your Pitbull Shar Pei’s mind by using play that encourages mental stimulation.

How Long Can a Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Live?

The average life expectancy of a Pitbull Shar Pei mix is between 10 and 12 years.

What Health Conditions Could the Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Have?

How Can You Find a Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Puppy For Sale?

Before you start searching a Pei Pitbull mix for sale, consider searching for a Pitbull Shar Pei up for adoption. Check your local vet clinic and animal shelter to see if anyone has offered up a Shar Pit for adoption.

If you’re unsuccessful in-person, try searching online at

How Much Does a Pitbull Shar Pei Mix Puppy Cost?

The average cost of a Pitbull Shar Pei mix puppy is between $500 and $1500! The upper end of that price scale is almost four times the cost of adopting a Shar Pit!

Before you start searching for a reputable breeder, consider reading our guide on how to work with a reputable breeder.

Is the Pitbull Shar Pei Mix the Right Breed For You?

If you’ve been looking for an affectionate, active breed with a protective nature for your family, then the Pitbull Shar Pei might be the right breed for you!

If you’re sure that the Pitbull Shar Pei isn’t for you, however, consider reading about our other breeds here.