Rhodesian Ridgeback vs German Shepherd dog are two of the most popular breeds of dogs in their respective regions. They also share many similarities, despite coming from different sides of the world. Both were bred to be working dogs that can handle challenging weather conditions under strenuous activity for long periods.

This has resulted in both breeds having high energy levels and being very intelligent. Health, Personality and temperament, additionally behavior are the most important factors to consider when choosing a new dog breed to bring into your family.

Despite this, however, they still have their own distinct temperaments. Their size is one of their most obvious differences; a Rhodesian ridgeback is much larger than a German shepherd dogs so if you would like a large dog, either breed will fit your bill.

However, even though this might affect the excitement level with which your dog greets you, this difference is not very important in day to day interactions. This article will tell you more about what these two breeds are like so you can decide which one would better fit your lifestyle.

German Shepherd VS Rhodesian Ridgeback dog: Speed, age, and Size

Rhodesian ridgeback dogs are large dogs that can stand up to 72 cm tall and weigh as much as 50 kg. They were bred by the Khoi people of South Africa for hunting lions on horseback, although they have since become popular all over the world as excellent family pets. Their name comes from their distinctive feature, a ridge of hair growing in the opposite direction along their back at the shoulder blades; it forms a pattern similar to an inverted “V”.

This part of their coat stands up when they are excited or feel threatened, and it makes them look larger than they actually are. They should only be red, black, tricolor (“tan points”), or blue merle (a marbled pattern of black and grey).

Exercise and speed

Rhodesian ridgeback trainability require a LOT of exercise and should not be kept as indoor dogs. Although these dogs love children when properly socialized, in some cases their size can intimidate small kids. If you have small children, another breed might be better suited to your family.

Also, because of their working heritage they need frequent mental stimulation in the form of games or tricks that challenge their intelligence; if you don’t give them enough attention either physically or mentally, they may to amuse themselves by digging up your yard or chewing the furniture.


German shepherd dogs are large as well, standing 60-66 cm at the shoulder and weighing around 30-40 kg on average. They too were bred as working dogs for tasks such as herding sheep and patrolling overseas military bases, but have since become widely popular and trusted family pets. Their most distinctive feature is their black masks, which may sometimes extend to a “blaze”, a white stripe running from mid-face down to their chest.

They can be any color except white (which would indicate breeding with a pointer) and they should not have more than 30% gray coat color. Like ridgebacks they need quite a bit of physical activity; if you don’t give them enough space to run and play, they may get into trouble by digging holes or chewing furniture.

German shepherds are very intelligent and require plenty of mental stimulation; if you don’t give them enough attention either physically or mentally, they can become bored and cause trouble.

Rhodesian ridgeback vs German Shepherd: Characteristics & Similarities

Both breeds need quite a bit of space to run around and exercise. If this is not possible, try walking your dog every day; however, keep in mind that both breeds should not be walked off leash because they are strong-willed animals with high prey drives. They also have short hair which makes it easy to groom them at home, although more frequent brushing when shedding will help prevent hairballs in the house.

There you have it: information about the characteristics and similarities of Rhodesian ridgebacks and German shepherds. Now that you know these breeds better, which one would be better for your lifestyle? Do some research and decide based on the above information as well as what is most important to you in a dog before bringing either of these dogs home.

If size isn’t very important, a German shepherd might be a good choice for your family; if you don’t have time to take long walks or play with your dog frequently, perhaps a ridgeback will fit into your life more easily. The choice is yours!

Rhodesian Ridgeback vs German Shepherd: Breeds Comparison Chart

Breed Characteristics Rhodesian Ridgeback comparison to German Shepherd Breed Group: Pastoral Hound Dogs Pastoral Hound Dogs Height: 66-71 cm 66-71 cm Weight: 17-24 kg 30 kg Physical & Mental Characteristics Good family dogs, very gentle with children if properly socialized.

Prone to chasing small animals so keep them fenced in or on leash at all times. Known for their courageousness and alertness; quick to bark at suspicious noises. Should respect master’s leadership, can be aloof toward strangers; good natured and easy going. Can be wary of people until they get to know them well (especially around young kids) but cautious demeanor makes them active guard dogs.

Energy need

Moderate amount of energy needed, should be taken on long or allowed plenty of time for exercise daily. Athletically built and very strong, may knock over children or elderly people by accident if not trained properly. Willing to please their master but can be a challenge to train because of stubbornness and dominance issues. Very loyal dogs who bond closely with their families, they have been known to follow owners around the house just to be near them.

Very intelligent dogs that need more mental stimulation than average dog breeds; easily bored without something interesting going on in the environment. Intelligence level requires a family that is willing to work on basic training more frequently than other breeds. In general, easy going dogs requiring only moderate amounts of exercise and grooming.

Training Challenge?

Similarities Intelligence level required for training is moderate. Both breeds must have a moderate amount of exercise every day and need plenty of mental stimulation. Coat colors accepted in the show ring are solid black, blue, gray or fawn with a minimum of 30% white allowed on underparts and neck.

Show-acceptable coat colors are solid black with tan/gold markings above each eye, below each ear and on cheeks, throat, chest and legs; all with symmetrical markings.

Shedding is average but will increase when seasons change from summer to winter or during shedding seasons in spring and autumn. Grooming requirements are low both at home and for professional groomers if you choose to take your dog there instead.

Physical needs

Both breeds must have a moderate amount of exercise every day and need plenty of mental stimulation. Coat colors accepted in the show ring are solid black, blue, gray or fawn with a minimum of 30% white allowed on underparts and neck.

Show-acceptable coat colors are solid black with tan/gold markings above each eye, below each ear and on cheeks, throat, chest and legs; all with symmetrical markings.

Shedding is average but will increase when seasons change from summer to winter or during shedding seasons in spring and autumn. Grooming requirements are low both at home and for professional groomers if you choose to take your dog there instead.

Rhodesian ridgeback pros

Emotional Stability Rhodesian Ridgebacks are not known to be the most emotionally stable breed on the planet, many of them will run off or try to fight anything that is running or might look like it could run. This includes cats and other pets so they must be kept fenced in unless you can trust them 100% with your small animals.

They are very loving dogs but they don’t always show it just because they’re aloof around strangers until they get to know them better. German Shepherds are usually submissive towards their masters and may even appear shy at first but will stand up for themselves if threatened enough by another dog or person.

They can become nervous around children if not exposed to them at a young age so they must be constantly supervised until you know how your German Shepherd will behave around them.

Both breeds are not known to be as emotionally stable as other breeds and require firm handling by their owners on a daily basis. They both do best with older children who will respect the dog and not tease it constantly.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks love affection but aren’t overly demonstrative; German Shepherds show affection but can become shy if constantly teased or mistreated even when it is an adult dog.

Both breeds require a dominant owner or else they may try to rule the roost and this could lead to behavioral problems such as aggression towards strangers, livestock, smaller animals etc.


Similarities Both breeds are very intelligent which makes training easy. They are both very protective of their owners and families which makes them good watch dogs. Socialization is required to avoid shyness or suspicious behavior around strangers or other animals unless they are prey.

Both breeds are very loving towards children if socialized properly with them from a young age so this can be minimized when your child brings home friends that the dog doesn’t know yet.

Medium – 40-57 lbs depending on sex Height Tall- 24″- 28″ Medium- 22″- 26″ Weight Male: 100-130 Ibs Females: 90-110 lbs Coat Length Long Moderate Shedding Average but increase during seasons Low Grooming Requirements at Home High Moderate Grooming Requirements for Professional Groomers Low Moderate.

Which Should I get one?

I have always wanted to own a dog but since I live in an apartment, I was worried about finding one to fit my lifestyle so I decided to do some research on the web about different breeds of dogs and came across many breed profiles including the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

The more information I read, the more curious I became, and before long, it radically changed my mind about what kind of dog I wanted. I found that they were very interesting and unique in appearance with a personality to match. They are known for their intense loyalty towards their owners and kind, gentle nature when it comes to children.

They also require a lot of exercise since they come from a long line of hunters so this would be one way where we could spend time together outdoors while our bodies get some beneficial workouts as well. All of these aspects about the breed impressed me more than any other dog out there on the market today and made me realize that my dream of owning a dog was still possible even though I live in an apartment.


In conclusion, both breeds have similar training requirements and limitations. They are both loving towards children when socialized early on in life and require plenty of exercise. Grooming can be done at home or with professional groomers depending on your preference.

Both breeds will require a dominant owner that is firm when it comes to training but not harsh or aggressive towards them otherwise they could become fearful or even act aggressively in retaliation. If you are looking for a dog to take, jogging, swimming, etc. then the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a good choice and you will not be disappointed in their loyalty or docile nature.

If you want a guard dog that can also be a loving companion towards children then the German Shepherd dogs would be an excellent choice as well.


Are Rhodesian Ridgebacks and German Shepherds compatible?

Although Rhodesian Ridgeback – German Shepherd mixes are generally good dogs with a consistent temperament and good health, locating one will be difficult.

Do Rhodesian Ridgebacks make good guard dogs?

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was developed to hunt lions, but it also makes an excellent watchdog and guard dog. They flourish with competent handlers who can devote time to their daily activity needs, as they have a strong prey drive.